Monday 27 March 2017

Ain't nobody got time for that

It's been over two weeks since I published the first three parts of my short story and almost three weeks since my last "regular" blog.

That's the problem with posting as I write - sometimes I write in fits and starts. Inspiration can come to me any time, any place - usually when I'm driving on my own - and I have to nurture the germ of an idea until I have the opportunity to write. Sometimes the opportunity comes hours later and the idea has evaporated. If I'm fast enough, I can use Siri on my phone to dictate a short note about the idea, so I can come back to it later.

Then there are the times when so many ideas come to me that I can't get them all out at once. Like the short story and the blog, four posts in three days. What would be great would be writing things in advance and only publishing them at regular, sensible intervals. But that sounds very organised and, be honest, has anything about this blog so far suggested I've got that level of shit together?

I am very conscious of the fact that many friends say they read the blog when they can, or that they've seen a post but need to remember to go back to read it. So posting in an evenly spaced out manner would maybe help serve as a regular reminder. It really does seem like the best thing to do. Now I just need someone to make me write lots of things in advance and remind me when I'm meant to post them...

Who fancies being an unpaid PA for a scatter-brained amateur writer? Anyone?

Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try-- ooh what's that shiny thing?

Peace and love.

FG xx

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